Wednesday, February 29, 2012

take me home country roads

after nearly two years in portland, i'm saying goodbye and heading back the way i came, via minneapolis with jamie and cats in tow. i am mostly ecstatic about this move...minneapolis feels like home and i am so excited to make great things with mono. moving here was an amazing experience, something I would have regretted not doing. something that will always be a part of my life story.


Jess said...

Ah yes, changes are almost always bittersweet, and Portland is a great city. Luckily, so is Minneapolis and we're so excited to have you back!

Ape said...

portland drools. minneapolis rules.

hownaïve said...

Aw man, if "Running into Fred Armisen" was on a list of mine I'd never ever ever move. Good for you, though! I hope all goes well.