Friday, March 19, 2010

taking one a day

a very cool project by eric einwiller that catalogs daily life through iphone photos. my favs are the typographic shots, but i love the rich saturation of all of them...even though they are digital they look a bit like polaroids. thanks for sending eric!


Jess said...

I can't tell for sure, but that middle pic of the SF scene actually looks like it might be a representation in Legos, if I'm remembering my Legoland adventure correctly. If so, I like it even more!

Jen at Radar said...

I've been so pleased with my Iphone photo app capabilities! I have 14 of them, which really feels like 14 cameras. For someone who is so visual & who grew up with a Dad & the comfort of his camera always around, the IPhone photo apps bring me daily joy to have this creativity at my fingertips. Thanks for sharing Eric's journey, I'll be following too...